Export a Well List

Value Navigator exports a list of all wells in the project. You can create a .txt or .lst file. If you want to export a list of selected wells in a project, filter to those wells first. Exporting a well list when a filter is applied results in a list of only the filtered wells. See Flag and Filter Entities for more details.

Well lists can be used to create a list of wells for update with a PPDM Data Import. See Update a Subset of Wells Using a Well List (.txt file)

Only wells are exported to the well list. Groups, rollups, and type wells are not exported. However, the wells inside the groups or rollups are exported.

To export a well list

  1. If necessary, filter to the wells you want to include in the well list.
  2. From the File menu, select Export Well List.
  3. In the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
  4. To Do this
    Create a new well list, In the File Name text box, enter a name.
    Append the well list to an existing list, Browse to and select an existing well list.
  5. Click Save.